I\'m back with more Protractor Q&A. So, I am coming across an issue when trying for find an element that is inside a slide out menu.
Snippet of html:
You can also use a promise to wait for the action to complete
You need to open up the menu before locating and clicking the submenu:
element(by.css('nav.menu > md-content')).click();
element(by.css('nav.menu > md-content > button[ng-click="logoff()"]')).click();
You may also need to use a elementToBeClickable
expected condition to wait for the submenu to become clickable (needs protractor 1.7 or above):
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var logoff = element(by.css('nav.menu > md-content > button[ng-click="logoff()"]'));
browser.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(logoff), 10000);