Given this example (DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX Exception), is it possible to capture the values that violated the constraint so they may be logged?
Would the approach be the s
Ideally, I would suggest using DML error logging. For example
Create the error log table
dbms_errlog.create_error_log( dml_table_name => 'EMPLOYEE',
err_log_table_name => 'EMPLOYEE_ERR' );
Use DML error logging
insert into employee( id )
select id
from (select '01' id from dual
union all
select '02' from dual)
log errors into employee_err
reject limit unlimited;
For every row that fails, this will log the data for the row into the EMPLOYEE_ERR
table along with the exception. You can then query the error log table to see all the errors rather than getting just the first row that failed.
If creating the error log table isn't an option, you could move from SQL to PL/SQL with bulk operations. That will be slower but you could use the SAVE EXCEPTIONS
clause of the FORALL
statement to create a nested table of exceptions that you could then iterate over.
For people who would be interested to know more about this, please go through this link.