I have a problem with default parameters and using Play Json Read. Here is my code:
case class Test(action: String, storeResult: Option[Boolean] = Some(tru
Do you really need Options in your case class if you supply default values? Without Options the following code should work
case class Test(action: String, storeResult: Boolean = true, returndata: Boolean = true)
implicit val testReads: Reads[Test] =
(JsPath \\ "action").read[String](minLength[String](1)) and
((JsPath \\ "store_result").read[Boolean] or Reads.pure(true)) and
((JsPath \\ "returndata").read[Boolean] or Reads.pure(true))
) (Test.apply _)
If you need Options then this code might work (not tested!)
case class Test(action: String, storeResult: Option[Boolean] = Some(true), returndata: Option[Boolean] = Some(true))
implicit val testReads: Reads[Test] =
(JsPath \\ "action").read[String](minLength[String](1)) and
((JsPath \\ "store_result").read[Boolean] or Reads.pure(true)).map(x=>Some(x)) and
((JsPath \\ "returndata").read[Boolean] or Reads.pure(true)).map(x=>Some(x))
) (Test.apply _)
It looks as if support for default parameters is in version 2.6.
A workaround for prior versions is to do something like the following:
object TestBuilder {
def apply(action: String, storeResult: Option[Boolean], returndata: Option[Boolean]) =
implicit val testReads: Reads[Test] =
(JsPath \\ "action").read[String](minLength[String](1)) and
(JsPath \\ "store_result").readNullable[Boolean] and
(JsPath \\ "returndata").readNullable[Boolean]
)(TestBuilder.apply _)
in Play 2.6 you can write simply: