SQL Server paging query

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攒了一身酷 2021-01-06 16:48

Urggggg! I\'ve been struggling with this for a long time! I can do it with MySQL so easy but not with SQL Server :(

Here are the simplified tables which should be jo

  • 2021-01-06 17:17
    ALTER  Proc [dbo].[Sp_PagingonTable] 
    @SearchText varchar(255) = null,
    @ChannelName varchar(255)= null,
    @ChannelCategory varchar(255)= null,
    @ChannelType varchar(255)= null,
    @PageNo int,
    @PageSize int,
    @TotalPages int output
    DECLARE  @VariableTable TABLE
    Rownumber INT,
    ReferralHierarchyKey BIGINT, 
    ReferralID VARCHAR(255), 
    ChannelDetail VARCHAR(255),     
    ChannelName VARCHAR(255),
    ChannelCategory VARCHAR(255),
    ChannelType VARCHAR(255)
     /*---Inserting Data into variable Table-------------*/
    INSERT INTO @VariableTable
     ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [ColumnID) as Rownumber,*
     FROM [dbo].[TableName]
     WHERE (@SearchText IS NULL OR ChannelDetail LIKE '%' + @SearchText + '%')                                 And       (@ChannelName  IS NULL OR ChannelName  = @ChannelName )
    /*--Applying Paging on filter Table--*/
    WHERE Rownumber between (((@PageNo -1) *@PageSize)+1) and @PageNo *    @PageSize
     /*--Getting Total Pages After filter Table---*/
     SELECT @TotalPages =  (Count(*) + @PageSize - 1)/@PageSize FROM  @VariableTable
     SELECT @TotalPages
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-06 17:24

    This is how I would do it in SQL Server 2005+:

    SELECT ID, Name, Photo, CreatedDate, rowNum, (rowNum / 20) + 1 as pageNum
    FROM (
        SELECT a.ID, a.Name, b.Photo, c.Created_Date
           , Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY c.Created_Date ASC) as rowNum
        FROM a
           JOIN b ON a.ID = b.ID
           JOIN c ON c.photo = b.photo
        WHERE c.Created_Date BETWEEN '2012-01-1' AND '2012-10-30'
    ) x
    WHERE (rowNum / 20) + 1 = 1

    Note that I'm using a little integer division trickery to calculate page number.

    Since pre-2005 sadly doesn't have row_number(), I'd use an intermediate table with an identity column:

        SELECT a.ID, a.Name, b.Photo, c.Created_Date
           , identity(int,1,1) as rowNum
        INTO t
        FROM a
           JOIN b ON a.ID = b.ID
           JOIN c ON c.photo = b.photo
        WHERE c.Created_Date BETWEEN '2012-01-1' AND '2012-10-30'
        ORDER BY c.Created_Date ASC
        ALTER TABLE t ADD pageNum AS rowNum / 20
        SELECT ID, Name, Photo, Created_Date, rowNum
        FROM t
        WHERE pageNum = 1 
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-06 17:25

    We can achieve the same by CTE (Common Table Expressions).First we need to set current page number and offset of the result from which we need to fetch.Then we have to order the result set by ROW_NUMBER.and store the result by using cte feature.then filter the result with page size and offset against Row number. The SQL query is as follows

    DECLARE @PageSize INT=1 ,@PageNumber INT=2
    DECLARE @Offset int =(@PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1))+1
    ;WITH Results_CTE AS
        SELECT *,
                       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY FieldName) AS RowNum
      SELECT *
      FROM Results_CTE
      WHERE RowNum>=@Offset AND RowNum < @Offset + @PageSize


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  • 2021-01-06 17:27

    There is a another way I have found to do this into Sql server 2012


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  • 2021-01-06 17:28

    I liked Taha Siddiqui's answer except that it requires modifying the passed in query and it didn't work for an SQL UNION statement that I have to use due to some very poor design decisions made by a former co-worker.

    The generic SQL Server query is:

        select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by ID) as row_num, * FROM (
          <<Put Your Query Here>>
        ) AS tempTable1
    ) AS tempTable2 WHERE row_num >= ((pageNum -1) * pageSize) AND row_num < ((pageNum -1) * pageSize) + pageSize;

    I created a Java function that assumes one-based paging:

        public static String buildPagingQuery(String sqlStr, String sortExpression, int pageNum, int pageSize) {
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(sortExpression)) { //NOTE: uses org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
                sortExpression = " (select 0)";
            int startIndex = ((pageNum - 1) * pageSize) + 1;
            int endIndex = startIndex + pageSize;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append("SELECT * FROM (");
            sb.append("SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ");
            sb.append(") as row_num, * FROM (");
            sb.append(") as tempTable1 ");
            sb.append(") AS tempTable2  "); 
            sb.append("WHERE row_num >= ").append(startIndex);
            sb.append(" AND row_num < ").append(endIndex);
            return sb.toString();

    I have not yet checked performance on a large table.

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  • 2021-01-06 17:28

    You can use the methods from the following class

    internal class PagingHelper
        public static String ParseQueryForPagingAndSorting(String strSQL, string SortExpression, int StartIndex, int EndIndex)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SortExpression))
                SortExpression = " (select 0)";
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append("select * from (");
            sb.Append(" select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY " + SortExpression + ") AS row_num,");
            int index = strSQL.ToLower().IndexOf('t', 0);
            sb.Append(strSQL.Substring(index + 2));
            sb.Append(" AS TempTable");
            sb.Append(" where row_num>=" + StartIndex.ToString() + " AND row_num<=" + EndIndex.ToString());
            return sb.ToString();
        public static String ParseQueryForCount(String strSQL)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append("select count(*) from");
            sb.Append(" AS TempTable");
            return sb.ToString();
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