Annotation auto-placement (matploylib.pyplot) -or list annotations

后端 未结 1 1375
清歌不尽 2021-01-06 16:27

I have code that handles coloring and plotting multiple plots automatically easily (for me). I want to make annotation easier:

goal: If an annotatio

  • 2021-01-06 16:52

    This is my solution, one I was trying to avoid. I saw in the old question linked in the question comments someone mentions this is an np-complete problem, but I want to point out that's doesn't really matter. I tested up to 26 annotations, and it takes a few seconds but no more. Any practical plot won't have 1000 annotations.


    1. As mentioned, this isn't superfast. Specifically I wish I could avoid draw(). It's OK now, only draw twice.
    2. This code allows any new annotation/s to be added only with a specific orthogonal (left/right/up/down) direction, but this can be extended.
    3. The arrow placement is window dependent. This means make sure the window size or axes do not change after annotating (with arrows). Re-annotate if you resize.
    4. Not dynamic, see point 3.


    1. Iplot is a helper class I have to handle multiplot figures, handling coloring, sizing and now annotating.
    2. plt is matplotlib.pyplot
    3. This methods handles multiple annotations (or single) and can now solve conflicts.
    4. As you may have guessed, Iplot.axes holds my axes figure.

    EDIT I removed my class code to make this more copy pasteable. Axes should be given to the function, and kwargs accept an existing boxes keyword to take into account previous annotations, which is edited in place. Note I use a class to encapsulate this. The function has to return the boxes for use as well, in case this is a first call.

    EDIT 2

    After a while sped this up - no need to draw so much, better to loop twice and then update the renderer in between.

    The code:

    def annotate(axes,boxes,labels,data,**kwargs):
        #slide should be relevant edge of bbox - e.g. (0,0) for left, (0,1) for bottom ...
        try: slide = kwargs.pop("slide")
        except KeyError: slide = None
            xytexts = kwargs.pop("xytexts")
            xytext  = xytexts
        except KeyError: 
            xytext = (0,2)
            xytexts = None
        try: boxes = kwargs.pop("boxes")
        except KeyError: boxes = list()
        pixel_diff = 1
                                                                                      newlabs = []              
        for i in range(len(labels)):
                xytext = xytexts[i]
            except TypeError: pass
            a = axes.annotate(labels[i],xy=data[i],textcoords='offset pixels',
        for i in range(len(labels)):
            cbox = a.get_window_extent()
            if slide is not None:
                direct  = int((slide[0] - 0.5)*2)
                current = -direct*float("inf")
                arrow = False
                while True:
                    overlaps = False
                    count = 0
                    for box in boxes:
                        if cbox.overlaps(box):
                            if direct*box.get_points()[slide] > direct*current:
                                overlaps = True
                                current =  box.get_points()[slide] 
                                shift   = direct*(current - cbox.get_points()[1-slide[0],slide[1]])
                    if not overlaps: break
                    arrow = True
                    position = array(a.get_position())
                    position[slide[1]] += shift * direct * pixel_diff
                    cbox = a.get_window_extent()
                    x,y =  axes.transData.inverted().transform(cbox)[0]
                if arrow:
        return boxes

    Any suggestions to improve will be warmly welcomed. Many thanks!

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