When I boot up the Airflow webserver and scheduler for the first time on Oct 25th at around 17:23, and turn on my DAG, I can see that it kicks off two runs for Oct 23rd and
I am not sure but this is my best guess -
In short answer, could be it is how airflow is built and workaround would be to modify your start_date
to be yesterday.
I agree that kicks off 1 dag for 10-24 when you turned on would sound more natural.
However, according to your dag runs, RUN 1 is 10-23. This suggests to me that initializing of the first run is not correct and I have looked into the scheduler code.
And I have a doubt on this line.
This is inside a function that create a dag run and setting the start date of the run.
# The logic is that we move start_date up until
# one period before, so that timezone.utcnow() is AFTER
# the period end, and the job can be created...
now = timezone.utcnow()
# This returns current time + schedule_interval. In your example, this will be tomorrow.
next_start = dag.following_schedule(now)
# This returns current time - schedule_interval. In your example, this will be yesterday.
last_start = dag.previous_schedule(now)
# tomorrow <= today should return False
if next_start <= now:
new_start = last_start
# and this will return last_start - schedule_interval which means 2 days ago.
# wondering if this is intended to be dag.previous_schedule(next_start)???
new_start = dag.previous_schedule(last_start)