I cannot figure out how to read user-input in a loop (with Console.ReadLine
). I\'m trying to create a note that lets me store what ever the user inputs, and exi
One way to do it is this:
List<string> simpleList = new List<string> { "Alpha", "Bravo", "Charlie", "Delta", "Echo" }; //Dummy data source
Console.WriteLine("Enter a call sign to find in the list. Press X to exit: "); //Prompt
string callSign;
string exitKey = "x";
while ((callSign = Console.ReadLine()) != exitKey.ToLower()) { //This is where the "Magic" happens
if (simpleList.Contains(callSign)) {
Console.WriteLine($"\"{callSign}\" exists in our simple list");//Output should the list contain our entry
Console.WriteLine(""); //Not really relevant, just needed to added spacing between input and output
else {
Console.WriteLine($"\"{callSign}\" does not exist in our simple list"); //Output should the list not contain our entry
Console.WriteLine("Enter a call sign to find in the list. Press X to exit: ");//Prompt
The line:
while ((callSign = Console.ReadLine()) != exitKey.ToLower()) {
is where the loop happens. If the entry does not equal the exitKey, the steps are repeated.
Per @n0rd's comment, here's how a do...while loop could work:
string input;
var myNotes = new List<Note>();
input = Console.ReadLine();
if (!input.Equals("exit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)){
var note = new Note();
} while (!input.Equals("exit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
To loop Console.ReadLine() you can use this
`List<string> al = new List<string>(); //list to store string values
string f = Console.ReadLine();
if(f == null) //check if string is null or not
al.Add(f); //add strings to list
You need List of Notes in order to add as many notes as you want.
Additionally, you need to first save ReadLine
input check if the user really asked to exit otherwise keep adding notes.
var myNotes = new List<Note>();
var firstNote = new Note();
firstNote.addText("Hi there");
Note note;
while (true)
var input = Console.ReadLine();
if (input.Equals("exit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
note = new Note();
The general format is to use something like this (a while loop with a break condition):
// put code above while loop that only needs to be executed once
while (true) {
// get the user input for every iteration, allowing to exit at will
String line = Console.ReadLine();
if (line.Equals("exit")) {
// exit the method.
return; // use "break" if you just want to exit the loop
// this is what will happen in the loop body since we didn't exit
// put whatever note stuff you want to execute again and again in here
You'll want to edit what goes into the body of this loop depending on what exactly you want done with your note instances. But generally, you repeatedly prompt a user for input until some condition is met and then you break out of the loop. You may decided that condition (e.g. "enter 10 notes"; "type exit"; etc.)