I have to insert large amount of data into a table. Does sqlserver 2008(compared to 2005) has any new features to increase the performance in this case ?
I don't know if this is feasible for your problem, but if you can I would really try to develop this in code.
I had a similar question for a big project in the past, that needed to import 15 years worth of production data into a new schema (in SQL Server 2005.) System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy was by far the fastest option.
If you do go this way, I suggest doing inserts in lots of roughly 1 GB at a time, then manually calling the .NET GC to free up your table in memory. I was forced to do both of these things to not run into memory errors (32 bit system, though.)
Edit - Pseudocode for my solutiong was something like:
Table dataToInsert = new Table();
var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("select * from old database");
DataReader dataFromOldSystem = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();
foreach (DataRow oldRow in dataFromOldSystem.Tables[0])
// I had to modify/transpose the row from the old table in some way
DataRow newRow = new DataRow(oldRow.GetInt(0), oldRow.GetDateTime(1), oldRow.GetInt(2));
newRow = new DataRow(oldRow.GetInt(0), oldRow.GetDateTime(1), oldRow.GetInt(3));
newRow = new DataRow(oldRow.GetInt(0), oldRow.GetDateTime(1), oldRow.GetInt(4));
// check if the number of rows is over some magic number that is below the memory limit
// you can check the private bytes in use by your app to help guess this number
if (dataToInsert.Rows.Count > 1000000)
SqlBulkCopy bulkCopier = new BulkCopy(blah);
dataToInsert = null;
dataToInsert = new Table();
SQL Server 2008 contains the MERGE TSQL statement which can speed up certain types of combined INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations.
If you are intending to perform through code, I would suggest using the System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy class (but also present in SQL Server 2005).