I am working in an android application and I want to support my application in all devices. But I don\'t know from which drawable folder 8 inch tablet takes
"drawable-sw600dp" for 7'' tablets, containing 600px-width images
"drawable-sw600dp" is the folder that applies the drawable properties of device with minimum 600dp width.
So you dont need to worry about it.The android system will automatically suites drawable from sw600dp to 8 Inch Tablets
Have a Nice Day ....
The qualifiers hdpi,xhdpi,xxhdpi describes the screen density of the device, not the size of screen. From the official doc
The better practice is to put the following drawables
// for Phones
//for 7 inch tablets
drawable-large-hdpi(for Nexus 7)
// for 10 inch tablets
The drawable for 8" inches should be implemented if the App uses large background images where should be taken in a serious importance for memory allocation. U can easily categorize your Drawables to large-mdpi, large-xhdpi , large-port-xhdpi(..) but u are in a situation where u delete the small , normal large and u implementing a swallest width of 600, 720 as any android delevopers will customize early or later.. I really suggest to implement an sw800 where has 1280 x 800!!! and also to make sure in your code to have an ifstatement where directly speaks throw the DisplayMetrics.Density and implements == to 800 widthPixels... This will give an HD performance if the images are recycling and are on in InBitmap to retain instance..
You can use : "drawable-sw720dp"
for 10'' tablets
, containing 720px-width images"
for the 8" Tablet
For more info you can refer here , as 8" is reside between 7-10 Range so that you can use 10" drawable folder