I\'m using jQuery BlockUI plugin, and i have been able to sucessfully show a single message in the page, however... let\'s say that I want to show 3 messages , one after ano
This does not work when you have some callback function is being called on onBlock or onUnBlock, for example like this:
$.blockUI({ message : 'your new message', onBlock : callbackFunction });
An alternative to this would be, just call blockUI again with a different message:
$.blockUI({ message: 'New message' });
Just create a div in your page like this:
<div id="blockMessage"></div>
And for the script...
$.blockUI({ message: $('#blockMessage') });
$("#blockMessage").html('Hello World!');
$("#blockMessage").html('Hello Galaxy!');
$("#blockMessage").html('Hello Universe!);
This goes by very fast, but you get the idea....bonus here is you can style it to look however you want as well, e.g.:
#blockMessage { font-weight: bold; }