Consider you have table T, with fields A and B.
With regular SQL, I could do this:
SELECT SUM(A * (100.0 - B) / 100.0) AS D FROM T;
The CriteriaBuilder
interface provides the following arithmetic functions:
sum(a, b)
diff(a, b)
prod(a, b)
quot(a, b)
where a
parameters can be an expression and/or literal.
As for the query, here is an exampe written in a human readable form:
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Number> q = cb.createQuery(Number.class);
Root<T> t = q.from(T.class);
// build SUM(A * (100.0 - B) / 100.0) expression
Expression<Double> diff = cb.diff(100.0, t.<Double>get("B"));
Expression<Double> prod =<Double>get("A"), diff);
Expression<Number> quot = cb.quot(prod, 100.0);
Expression<Number> sum = cb.sum(quot);"D"));
You can also build the query as an one-liner:<Double>get("A"), cb.diff(100.0, t.<Double>get("B"))), 100.0)).alias("D"));
I hope it clarifies your doubts.