How do I extract rows from a PDF file into a csv file?

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清酒与你 2021-01-06 10:51

I want to get a list of all the colleges in USA from this PDF file and put it into a CSV file. I will then import the CSV file into SQL server (so that I can run queries eas

  • 2021-01-06 11:20

    For this kind of PDF extraction, you can use IntelliGet ( . A simple script like below would serve your purpose here

    userVariables = school, campus;
    { start = IsNumeric(Substring(Line(0),112,115)); 
      school = ""; campus = "";
      { start = 1;
        maxCount = 2;
        school = Concat(school, " ", Trim(Substring(Line(0),1,52)));
        campus = Concat(campus, " ", Trim(Substring(Line(0),53,82)));
      output = Concat(Trim(school), "|", Trim(campus));
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  • 2021-01-06 11:26

    As already claimed in a comment to the question,

    Considering the fairly straight forward page content stream style, the data should be extractable using a not too complicated custom text extractor.

    In detail:

    The page content stream style

    Regular table entry content is drawn entry by entry, each entry field by field in reading order. Thus, while going through the content stream we do not have to try and re-arrange the content to establish that order. This makes this task fairly easy.

    So the main work will be to ignore non-entries, i.e. the header on the first page, the bars indicating where a new first letter starts, and the page numbers.

    We do so by

    • ignoring graphics and non-black text which takes care of the header and the first letter bars;
    • not accepting entries not starting with data in the SCHOOL NAME column which takes care of the page numbers which only live in the CAMPUS NAME column.

    (Other approaches also would have done, e.g. ignoring everything in a bottom page area to take care of the page numbers.)

    Now we merely have to split the entries into their fields.

    Again the document structure helps, as it is a very uniform document, the table columns have the identical position and dimensions on each page. So we merely have to dissect at fixed x values.

    There is just one stumbling block: in some entries atomic text chunks contain content of different columns. E.g. sometimes the contents of the F and M columns are drawn as a single string like "YN" and the optical distance is introduced via character spacing.

    So we have to process the text chunks character by character, not as a whole.

    A sample implementation

    I use Java and the PDF library iText (current version 5.5.7 development snapshot) here. This does not mean at all that it cannot be done a using different setup, this merely is the setup I'm most accustomed to.

    As separator I use the tab character because other likely candidates also occur as part of the text and I did not want to have to cope with escaping them.

    This is the custom RenderListener class introduced to cope with the content as explained above:

    public class CertifiedSchoolListExtractionStrategy implements RenderListener
        public CertifiedSchoolListExtractionStrategy(Appendable data, Appendable nonData)
   = data;
            this.nonData = nonData;
        // RenderListener implementation
        public void beginTextBlock() { }
        public void endTextBlock() { }
        public void renderImage(ImageRenderInfo renderInfo) { }
        public void renderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo)
                Vector startPoint = renderInfo.getBaseline().getStartPoint();
                BaseColor fillColor = renderInfo.getFillColor();
                if (fillColor instanceof GrayColor && ((GrayColor)fillColor).getGray() == 0)
                    if (debug)
                        data.append(String.format("%4d\t%3.3f %3.3f\t%s\n", chunk, startPoint.get(I1), startPoint.get(I2), renderInfo.getText()));
                    for (TextRenderInfo info : renderInfo.getCharacterRenderInfos())
                    if (debug)
                        nonData.append(String.format("%4d\t%3.3f %3.3f\t%s\n", chunk, startPoint.get(I1), startPoint.get(I2), renderInfo.getText()));
                    if (currentField > -1)
            catch (IOException e)
        public void renderCharacter(TextRenderInfo renderInfo) throws IOException
            Vector startPoint = renderInfo.getBaseline().getStartPoint();
            float x = startPoint.get(I1);
            if (currentField > -1)
                if (isInCurrentField(x))
                if (isInNextField(x))
            if (isInNextField(x))
                currentField = 0;
        public void close() throws IOException
        boolean isInCurrentField(float x)
            if (currentField == -1)
                return false;
            if (x < fieldstarts[currentField])
                return false;
            if (currentField == fieldstarts.length - 1)
                return true;
            return x <= fieldstarts[currentField + 1];
        boolean isInNextField(float x)
            if (currentField == fieldstarts.length - 1)
                return false;
            if (x < fieldstarts[currentField + 1])
                return false;
            if (currentField == fieldstarts.length - 2)
                return true;
            return x <= fieldstarts[currentField + 2];
        void finishEntry() throws IOException
            if (entryBuilder.length() > 0)
                if (currentField == fieldstarts.length - 1)
            currentField = -1;
        // hidden members
        final Appendable data, nonData;
        boolean debug = false;
        int chunk = 0;
        int currentField = -1;
        StringBuilder entryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        final int[] fieldstarts = {20, 254, 404, 415, 431, 508, 534};


    We can use it like this:

    public void testCertifiedSchoolList_9_16_2015() throws IOException
        try (   Writer data = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(RESULT_FOLDER, "data.txt")), "UTF-8");
                Writer nonData = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(RESULT_FOLDER, "non-data.txt")), "UTF-8")    )
            CertifiedSchoolListExtractionStrategy strategy = new CertifiedSchoolListExtractionStrategy(data, nonData);
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader("certified-school-list-9-16-2015.pdf");
            PdfReaderContentParser parser = new PdfReaderContentParser(reader);
            for (int page = 1; page <= reader.getNumberOfPages(); page++)
                parser.processContent(page, strategy);


    Now data.txt contains all the entries as tab-separated lines and non-data.txt everything ignored.

    Behind the scenes

    To understand what is happening here, one first has to know how page content in PDFs is organized and how (for the sample code given) iText operates on it.

    Inside the PDF

    PDF documents are structures built from a number of base object types, some primitive types (numbers, strings, ...) and some more complex ones (arrays or dictionaries of other objects or streams).

    A page in a PDF document is represented by such a dictionary object containing entries defining some page properties (like page dimensions) and other entries referencing objects that define what is drawn on the page: the content streams.

    Content streams essentially contain a sequence of operations, which may

    • select a color (for stroking or filling),
    • define a path (move to some point, line to some other point, curve to yet another one, ...),
    • stroke or fill such a path,
    • draw some bitmap image somewhere,
    • draw some text somewhere, or
    • do numerous other things.

    For the question at hand we mostly are interested in the operations involved in drawing text. In contrast to word processors the operations are not take this long string of text and arrange it as a paragraph but instead more primitively move text position here, draw this short string here, move text position again, and draw another string there.

    E.g. in the sample PDF the oeprations for drawing the table header and the first entry line are these:

    /TT2 1 Tf

    Select font TT2 at size 1.

    9.72 0 0 9.72 20.16 687.36 Tm

    Set the text matrix to move the text insertion coordinates to 20.16, 687.36 and scale everything following by a factor of 9.72.

    0 g

    Select the grayscale fill color black

    0 Tc
    0 Tw

    Select additional character and word spacing to 0.


    Draw "SCHOOL" here.

    /TT1 1 Tf

    Select font TT1.

    3.4082 0 TD

    Move text insertion point by 3.4082 in x direction.


    Draw a space character (the current font uses a different encoding which uses 16 bit per character, not 8, and here is represented hexadecimally).

    /TT2 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD

    Select font, move text insertion point, and draw the string "NAME", then a gap of 17887.4 text units, then draw "CAMPUS".

    /TT1 1 Tf
    24.1809 0 TD
    /TT2 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD
    /TT1 1 Tf
    28.5147 0 TD
    /TT2 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD

    Draw the rest of the header line.

    /TT4 1 Tf
    -56.782 -1.3086 TD

    Move left by 56.782 and down by 1.3086, i.e. to the start of the first entry line.

    /TT3 1 Tf
    .6528 0 TD
    /TT4 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD
    /TT3 1 Tf
    1.7783 0 TD
    /TT4 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD
    /TT3 1 Tf
    2.6919 0 TD
    /TT4 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD
    /TT3 1 Tf
    18.9997 0 TD
    /TT4 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD
    /TT3 1 Tf
    1.7783 0 TD
    /TT4 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD
    /TT3 1 Tf
    2.6919 0 TD
    /TT4 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD
    /TT3 1 Tf
    15.189 0 TD
    /TT4 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD

    And draw the first entry line.

    As you see and as I had mentioned above, the table content is drawn in reading order. Even multi line column entries come in the needed order, e.g. the campus name "A F International of Westlake Village":

    /TT3 1 Tf
    9.26 0 TD 
    /TT4 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD
    /TT3 1 Tf
    .4595 0 TD
    /TT4 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD
    /TT3 1 Tf
    5.2886 0 TD
    /TT4 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD
    /TT3 1 Tf
    .8325 0 TD
    /TT4 1 Tf
    .2261 0 TD
    /TT3 1 Tf
    3.7739 0 TD
    /TT4 1 Tf
    -11.8374 -1.3086 TD

    Move down to the second line of the column.

    15.4938 1.3086 TD

    Move up again to the main line of the entry.


    So we can digest the text as it comes, no need for sorting (the content could be ordered in a completely different way).

    But we also see that there are no obvious column start and end points. To associate the text with a column, therefore, we have to calculate the positions of each character and compare them with externally given column start positions.

    Parsing supported by libraries

    PDF libraries usually provide some mechanism to help parsing such content streams.

    There are two basic architectures for this, a library may parse the content stream

    • as a whole and provide it as a big array of positioned text chunks or
    • or piecewise and forward individual positioned text chunks using a listener pattern.

    The former variant at first seems easier to handle but may have big resource requirements (I have come across multi-MB content streams), while the second one seems a bit more difficult to handle but has smaller memory requirements.

    The library I used (iText) follows the latter approach but your problem could also have been solved using a library following the former one.

    RenderListener is the listener interface to implement here, the renderText methods retrieves the tindividual text chunks with positions.

    In the implementation above (CertifiedSchoolListExtractionStrategy) the renderText method first checks the fill color associated with the chunk and only forwards black text for further processing in renderCharacter. That method (and some helpers) in turn checks the field the text is in (by hard coded position boundaries) and accordingly exports tab separated values. This logic would similarly have been implemented using other libraries, too.

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  • 2021-01-06 11:32

    Another solution without much effort for writing code to get the pdf read: There is a linux tool with a great -layout flag as already mentioned in askubuntu. It's called pdftotext:

    $ pdftotext -layout <input.pdf> <output.txt>

    It worked very promising for your provided pdf file. Sure, it's not a complete solution for your problem. But all you have to do then is to clean the text-output. This could be less time-sufficient than other solutions.

    Here is a sample:

    $ head -30 test.txt
                                         SEVP Certified Schools                                      September 16, 2015
    SCHOOL NAME                                     CAMPUS NAME                            F M CITY                     ST   CAMPUS ID
    "I Am" School Inc.                              "I Am" School Inc.                     Y N Mount Shasta             CA     41789
    424 Aviation                                    424 Aviation                           N Y Miami                    FL     103705
                                                                ‐ A ‐
    A F International School of Languages Inc.      A F International College              Y   N Los Angeles            CA      9538
    A F International School of Languages Inc.      A F International of Westlake          Y   N Westlake Village       CA     57589
    A. T. Still University of Health Sciences       Kirksville Coll of Osteopathic         Y   N Kirksville         MO         3606
    Aaron School                                    Aaron School ‐ 30th Street             Y   N   New York             NY    159091
    Aaron School                                    Aaron School                           Y   N   New York             NY    114558
    ABC Beauty Academy, INC.                        ABC Beauty Academy, INC.               N   Y   Flushing             NY    95879
    ABC Beauty Academy, LLC                         ABC Beauty Academy                     N   Y   Garland              TX    50677
    Abcott Institute                                Abcott Institute                       N   Y   Southfield           MI    197890
    Aberdeen Catholic School System                 Roncalli Primary                       Y   N   Aberdeen             SD    180510
    Aberdeen Catholic School System                 Roncalli                               Y   N   Aberdeen             SD    21405
    Aberdeen Catholic School System                 Roncalli Elementary                    Y   N   Aberdeen             SD    180511
    Aberdeen School District 6‐1                    Aberdeen Central High School           Y   N   Aberdeen             SD    36568
    Abiding Savior Lutheran School                  Abiding Savior Lutheran School         Y   N   Lake Forest          CA     9920
    Abilene Christian Schools                       Abilene Christian Schools              Y   N   Abilene              TX     8973
    Abilene Christian University                    Abilene Christian University           Y   N   Abilene              TX     7498
    Abington Friends School                         Abington Friends School                Y   N   Jenkintown           PA    20191
    Above It All, Inc                               Benchmark Flight /Hawaii Flight        N   Y   Kailua‐Kona          HI    24353
    Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College            Tifton Campus                          Y   N Tifton             GA         6931
    Abraham Joshua Heschel School                   Abraham Joshua Heschel School          Y   N New York           NY        106824
    ABT Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School           ABT Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis         Y   Y New York               NY     52401

    So this turns your problem in transforming that text output to a database readable csv file. Maybe you or another could prefer this way of doing it.

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  • 2021-01-06 11:40

    I once had a Ruby project that did this kind of work. I used the gem pdf/reader and evenutally it dit work but I advise against using this aproach, the contents of your PDF have no markers where the fields start and stop, instead you have to measure the position of each piece of text (and there are many pieces per field), here an example of the first field


    and compare it with boundaries you have to find by experimenting like "if the position is > 2.54cm from the left margin and < 5.78cm from the left margin" etc.. It is tedious and error prone.

    The easiest solution is to somehow read the entire textcontents of your second url by manually scrolling, selecting and copying the contents into an editor and remove the head and tail extra's or use some web scraping gem like mechanize and then convert this text to CSV. The last part is easy since the structure is fixed

    "I Am" School
    118 Siskiyou Avenue
    Mount Shasta , CA , 96067
    5309266263  <--end of first record
    424 Aviation
    13230 SW 132 Ave.
    Miami , FL , 33186
    7862424848  <--end of second record

    If you need help with this last part, no problem

    If this is a once operation you could also use a tool like able2extract (if you'r on windows) it reads pdf and saves in Excel, the times I used it the result was decent and layout was intact.

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