I am attempting to change the cell color of cells of an R Shiny data table dependent on their value. As an example, I\'ve created the following app:
# ui.R
Here are two ideas:
I want all cells containing integers to be colored red
(1) Mark integers using Javascript:
df <- head(iris)
df %>%
datatable %>%
formatStyle(1:4, color = JS("value % 1 === 0 ? 'red' : ''"))
Selectively, I'd like to color only the cells at row 2 column 2 and row 5 column 1
(2) Mark cells using hidden value columns:
m <- matrix(F, ncol = ncol(df)-1, nrow = nrow(df))
m[rbind(c(2,2),c(5,1))] <- TRUE
df %>%
cbind(m) %>%
options=list(columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE, targets=1:4+ncol(df)))),
) %>%
columns = 1:4,
valueColumns = 1:4+ncol(df),
color = styleEqual(c(1,0), c("red", "black"))
I'm abstracting from Shiny, since this seems to be a datatable question. Also, there may be better options.
This page has a bunch of tips for formatting DT data tables: https://rstudio.github.io/DT/010-style.html
For your specific question, there's the function formatStyle
that allows you to set aesthetics based on specific values in the table:
options(DT.options = list(pageLength = 5))
df = as.data.frame(cbind(matrix(round(rnorm(50), 3), 10), sample(0:1, 10, TRUE)))
# style V6 based on values of V6
datatable(df) %>% formatStyle(
backgroundColor = styleEqual(c(0, 1), c('gray', 'yellow'))
# style V1 based on values of V6
datatable(df) %>% formatStyle(
'V1', 'V6',
backgroundColor = styleEqual(c(0, 1), c('gray', 'yellow'))