How do I get a list of the active IP-addresses, MAC-addresses and NetBIOS names on the LAN?
I\'d like to get NetBIOS name, IP and MAC addresses for every host on the
As Daren Thomas said, use nmap.
nmap -sP
to scan the network 192.168.1.*
nmap -O
to get the operating system of the user. For more information, read the manpage
man nmap
If you're using DHCP then the server will give you a list of all that information.
This website has a good tutorial on using powershell to get networking information
If you neet to get quick list of computer names you can use "net view". Also have a look at nbmac although I'm unsure of it's working status under XP. Another option could be to use nbtstat -a (once you've used net view to list workstations)
In PowerShell you can do something like:
$computers = "server1","server2","server3"
Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -computer $computers -filter "IPEnabled ='true'" | select __Server,IPAddress,MACAddress
arp -a
That gets everything the current machine knows about on the network.
(I'm putting this up there as a second option, since nmap isn't universally installed).
In PowerShell:
function Explore-Net($subnet, [int[]]$range){
$range | % { test-connection "$subnet.$_" -count 1 -erroraction silentlycontinue} | select -Property address | % {[net.dns]::gethostbyaddress($_.address)}
Explore-Net 192.168.2 @(3..10)