I have a string of values, and I want to simulate key press events in a window for each character.
I plan on sending WM_KEYDOWN, WM_CHAR, and WM_KEYUP events to the
Generally speaking, instead of sending WM_KEYDOWN
messages directly, you should use SendInput (preferred) or possibly keybd_event (deprecated).
It looks like it takes the ASCII character and turns it into hex. For example, 'A' in hex is 41. According to your chart, A is 0x41, which is right (the 0x detonates hex).
You can use Input Simulator library which provides a high level api for simulating key presses and handles all the low level stuff.
System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys is a WinForms class with static methods for simulating keyboard input on the active window.
The catch is that .NET has no way of focusing windows in another application (the SendKeys docs talk about how to get around that).
The general solution is to use the SendMessage WinAPI function. This link describes SendMessage
's signature and provides a sample import.
Oh and, to map VK codes you should use MapVirtualKey - its best to assume the mapping is arbitrary and not logical.
VkKeyScanEx anyone? According to MSDN it:
"Translates a character to the corresponding virtual-key code and shift state."
(You could possibly also use VkKeyScan but beware that it has been superseded by VkKeyScanEx.)