does any one have any idea how to sort a list of words in the order of their frequency (least to greatest) using the built in collection.sort
and a compar
First of all your usage of
seems incorrect. next()
will return the next word and move onto next one every time you call it, therefore the following code:
if( == null){ ... }
and also"[^A-Za-z0-9]"," ");;
will consume and then just throw away words. What you probably want to do is:
String word ="[^A-Za-z0-9]"," ").toLowerCase();
at the beginning of your while
loop, so that the changes to your word are saved in the word
variable, and not just thrown away.
Secondly, the usage of the wordCount
map is slightly broken. What you want to do is to check if the word
is already in the map to decide what word count to set. To do this, instead of checking for == null
you should look in the map, for example:
//no count registered for the word yet
wordCount.put(word, 1);
wordCount.put(word, wordCount.get(word) + 1);
alternatively you can do this:
Integer count = wordCount.get(word);
if(count == null){
//no count registered for the word yet
wordCount.put(word, 1);
wordCount.put(word, count+1);
I would prefer this approach, because it's a bit cleaner, and does only one map look-up per word, whereas the first approach sometimes does two look-ups.
Now, to get a list of words in descending order of frequencies, you can convert your map to a list first, then apply Collections.sort()
as was suggested in this post. Below is a simplified version suited to your needs:
static List<String> getWordInDescendingFreqOrder(Map<String, Integer> wordCount) {
// Convert map to list of <String,Integer> entries
List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> list =
new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>(wordCount.entrySet());
// Sort list by integer values
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>() {
public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Integer> o1, Map.Entry<String, Integer> o2) {
// compare o2 to o1, instead of o1 to o2, to get descending freq. order
return (o2.getValue()).compareTo(o1.getValue());
// Populate the result into a list
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : list) {
return result;
Hope this helps.
Edit: Changed the comparison function as suggested by @dragon66. Thanks.
A solution, close to your original posting with corrections and the sorting as suggested by Torious in the comments:
import java.util.*;
public class Parser implements Comparator <String> {
public Map<String, Integer> wordCount;
void parse ()
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (;
// don't redeclare it here - your attribute wordCount will else be shadowed
wordCount = new HashMap<String, Integer> ();
//iterates through each word in the text file
while (scanner.hasNext ()) {
String word = ();
// operate on the word, not on next and next of next word from Scanner
word = word.replaceAll (" [^A-Za-z0-9]", " ");
word = word.toLowerCase ();
// look into your map:
if (! wordCount.containsKey (word))
wordCount.put (word, 1);
wordCount.put (word, wordCount.get (word) + 1);;
public int getCount (String word) {
return wordCount.get (word);
public int compare (String w1, String w2) {
return getCount (w1) - getCount (w2);
public List<String> getWordsInOrderOfFrequency () {
List<String> justWords = new ArrayList<String> (wordCount.keySet());
Collections.sort (justWords, this);
return justWords;
public static void main (String args []) {
Parser p = new Parser ();
p.parse ();
List<String> ls = p.getWordsInOrderOfFrequency ();
for (String s: ls)
System.out.println (s);
You can compare and extract ideas from the following:
public class FrequencyCount {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// read in the words as an array
String s = StdIn.readAll();
// s = s.toLowerCase();
// s = s.replaceAll("[\",!.:;?()']", "");
String[] words = s.split("\\s+");
// sort the words
// tabulate frequencies of each word
Counter[] zipf = new Counter[words.length];
int M = 0; // number of distinct words
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
if (i == 0 || !words[i].equals(words[i-1])) // short-circuiting OR
zipf[M++] = new Counter(words[i], words.length);
// sort by frequency and print
Merge.sort(zipf, 0, M); // sorting a subarray
for (int j = M-1; j >= 0; j--) {
rodions Solution is a kind of a Generics hell, but I don't have it simpler - just different.
In the End, his solution is shorter and better.
At the first looks, it seems that a TreeMap might be appropriate, but it sorts by Key, and is of no help for sorting by value, and we can't switch key-value, because we look it up by the key.
So the next idea is to generate a HashMap, and use Collections.sort, but it doesn't take a Map, just Lists for sorting. From a Map, there is entrySet, which produces another Collection, which is a Set, and not a List. That was the point where I took another direction:
I implemented an Iterator: I iterate over the entrySet, and only return Keys, where the value is 1. If the value is 2, I buffer them for later use. If the Iterator is exhausted, I look into the buffer, and if it isn't empty, I use the iterator of the buffer in future, increment the minimum value I look for, and create a new Buffer.
The advantage of an Iterator/Iterable pair is, that the values can be obtained by the simplified for-loop.
import java.util.*;
// a short little declaration :)
public class WordFreq implements Iterator <Map.Entry <String, Integer>>, Iterable <Map.Entry <String, Integer>>
private Map <String, Integer> counter;
private Iterator <Map.Entry <String, Integer>> it;
private Set <Map.Entry <String, Integer>> buf;
private int maxCount = 1;
public Iterator <Map.Entry <String, Integer>> iterator () {
return this;
// The iterator interface expects a "remove ()" - nobody knows why
public void remove ()
if (hasNext ())
next ();
public boolean hasNext ()
return it.hasNext () || ! buf.isEmpty ();
public Map.Entry <String, Integer> next ()
while (it.hasNext ()) {
Map.Entry <String, Integer> mesi = ();
if (mesi.getValue () == maxCount)
return mesi;
buf.add (mesi);
if (buf.isEmpty ())
return null;
it = buf.iterator ();
buf = new HashSet <Map.Entry <String, Integer>> ();
return next ();
public WordFreq ()
it = fill ();
buf = new HashSet <Map.Entry <String, Integer>> ();
// The "this" here has to be an Iterable to make the foreach work
for (Map.Entry <String, Integer> mesi : this)
System.out.println (mesi.getValue () + ":\t" + mesi.getKey ());
public Iterator <Map.Entry <String, Integer>> fill ()
counter = new HashMap <String, Integer> ();
Scanner sc = new Scanner (;
while (sc.hasNext ())
push ( ());
Set <Map.Entry <String, Integer>> set = counter.entrySet ();
return set.iterator ();
public void push (String word)
Integer i = counter.get (word);
int n = 1 + ((i != null) ? i : 0);
counter.put (word, n);
public static void main (String args[])
new WordFreq ();
Since my solution reads from stdin, you invoke it with:
cat | java WordFreq