I want an array where each field in the array contains a color code
array(0 => \'#4CFF00\', 1 => \'#FFE97F\')
And I want this to go t
function dechexpad($i){
if($i<16) $s="0";
return $s;
function hexcolor($r,$g,$b){
return "#".dechexpad($r%255).dechexpad($g%255).dechexpad($b%255);
function list_colours($start, $end, $steps = 6)
$return = array();
$start_r = hexdec(substr($start, 1, 2));
$start_g = hexdec(substr($start, 3, 2));
$start_b = hexdec(substr($start, 5, 2));
$end_r = hexdec(substr($end, 1, 2));
$end_g = hexdec(substr($end, 3, 2));
$end_b = hexdec(substr($end, 5, 2));
$shift_r = ($end_r - $start_r) / $steps;
$shift_g = ($end_g - $start_g) / $steps;
$shift_b = ($end_b - $start_b) / $steps;
for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; $i++)
$color = array();
$color[] = dechex($start_r + ($i * $shift_r));
$color[] = dechex($start_g + ($i * $shift_g));
$color[] = dechex($start_b + ($i * $shift_b));
// Pad with zeros.
$color = array_map(function ($item) {
return str_pad($item, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$return[] = '#' . implode($color);
return $return;
// Examples
$spectrum = array();
$spectrum[] = list_colours("#000000", "#FFFFFF"); // grey
$spectrum[] = list_colours("#cc0033", "#FFFFFF"); // R
$spectrum[] = list_colours("#ff6600", "#FFFFFF"); // O
$spectrum[] = list_colours("#fdc710", "#FFFFFF"); // Y
$spectrum[] = list_colours("#cccc00", "#FFFFFF"); // G
$spectrum[] = list_colours("#339933", "#FFFFFF"); // G dark
$spectrum[] = list_colours("#339999", "#FFFFFF"); // B teal
$spectrum[] = list_colours("#14acde", "#FFFFFF"); // B light
$spectrum[] = list_colours("#0066cc", "#FFFFFF"); // B dark
$spectrum[] = list_colours("#663399", "#FFFFFF"); // I dark
$spectrum[] = list_colours("#990066", "#FFFFFF"); // I light
$spectrum[] = list_colours("#cc0066", "#FFFFFF"); // V pink
Look at hexdec, dechex and this snippet:
for ($i = 0; $i < 255; $i++) {
# here happens some colour-magic