I want an array where each field in the array contains a color code
array(0 => \'#4CFF00\', 1 => \'#FFE97F\')
And I want this to go t
I stumbled upon this question - and surprisingly I could not find an actual solution for this on the web (I did not try hard). Performance is besides the point here - this is not what you would want to do - this is just an exercise - but if you actually wanted to iterate over all hex colors - here is how you could do it:
for($i = 0; $i <= 16777215; $i++) {
echo sprintf('%06s', dechex($i));
Of course this question is old and answered, but thought I would share this anyway.
I guess if you need all of those colors you could build the 16776960 element array as follows:
$end = 'FFFFFF';
$arrMassiveColor = array();
for($curr = 0; $curr <= dechex($end); $curr++) {
$arrMassiveColor[] = '#'.hexdec($curr);
It seems a bit odd though...
You should use a colour model like Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV), and cycle the hue from 0 degrees all the way around the spectrum to 360 degrees, at which whatever saturation and value suited you. (If you want to go from green->green, just start at 120 degrees)
Here's an illustration which shows the difference between RGB and HSV based gradients: the top gradient is just going from green to red in an RGB model, but the lower one uses HSV, resulting in a more pleasing effect.
00FF00 is Green 000000 is Black. all you have to do it increment one color at a time while decrementing the other colors. Stick it in a loop, where it be php, javascript or whatever and go.
EDIT: Here is a link to code that shows how to loop through Hex color codes.
You need some color schemes? I think it depends on the color scheme of the rest of your page. You can google "Color scheme generators" and you can find at least 10. Examples provided by @edg and @santiiiii above.
If you have a photo, there is a tool which can get colors from the photo to fit your site.
I recommend writing a function to do this. If you need to go between multiple colors, just call it multiple times and concatenate the arrays.
Psuedocode: `colorRange(arrayReference, startColor, endColor, numSteps)`
Get {R, G, B} startColor and endColor
Get R_diff, G_diff, and B_diff
for i in 0 to numSteps {
i => {min(startR, endR) + (R_diff * (i / numSteps)),
min(startG, endG) + (G_diff * (i / numSteps)),
min(startB, endB) + (B_diff * (i / numSteps))}