I have a view with multiple inputs for my Model (Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.attribute) etc. And my ajax method is:
function callMethod() {
you can do it like this:
function callMethod() {
var number = 2;
var sd = $('#Form').serializeArray();
sd.push({ name:"test", value:number });
type: "POST",
data: sd,
url: '@Url.Action("formMethod", "Test")',
}).done(function (newTable) {
Using .serialize()
serializes your model as a query string (e.g. someProperty=someValue&anotherProperty=anotherValue&...
). To add additional name/value pairs, you can append then manually, for example
var data = $('#Form').serialize() + '&test=' + number;
data: data;
or use the param() method (useful if you have multiple items and/or arrays to add)
var data = $("#Form").serialize() + '&' + $.param({ test: number }, true);
data: data;