I had the same problem this morning. I had the bug reported on one of the pages I am responsible for, for the latest chrome version at that time.
I made sure I had the latest chrome installed and went to check the issues this morning and 1fr was really not being respected. Maybe 15 minutes ago I went on ahead to report the chrome bug and there it was new update pending, so I've updated the chrome again, second time today, and problem was fixed.
I did some digging and I am pretty sure they did change how css grid is handled, more specifically:
[css-grid] Accommodate spanning items crossing flexible tracks
But since it caused breakage across the web they reverted the change.
I think it's referenced here https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/b1738fb61215bb8610e08f65de4d01681e250f7f.
Edit: There is also this answer that goes into more details for others having this issue