I have a Julia module file with a function, a doc-string, and a doc-test. I load it and the doc-string shows in the Julia help, but Documenter.jl cannot find the doc-string.
As mentioned in the comments of @fredrikekre, I was missing @autodocs
and some other details. Here is a complete setup for doc-testing in Julia
with Documenter.jl
Directory structure of my_module
(from command tree
, reordered for clarity):
| |____my_module.jl
| |____my_functions.jl
| |____make.jl
| |____src
| | |____index.md
The file src/my_module.jl
module my_module
# export functions you want to call without qualifications
export add_exported
using DataFrames # or any other module
# Include functions
The file src/my_functions.jl
contains exported and non-exported functions. Note how the doc-test of exported functions has no qualification, and the doc-test of non-exported functions does:
add_exported(x, y)
Dummy function, exported
# Examples
julia> add_exported(1, 2)
function add_exported(x::Number, y::Number)
return x + y
add_not_exported(x, y)
Dummy function, not exported
# Examples
julia> my_module.add_not_exported(1, 2)
function add_not_exported(x::Number, y::Number)
return x + y
The file docs/make.jl
using Documenter, my_module
modules = [my_module],
format = :html,
sitename = "my_module.jl",
doctest = true
The file docs/src/index.md
contains using my_module
, which brings exported functions into scope:
# Documentation
CurrentModule = my_module
DocTestSetup = quote
using my_module
Modules = [my_module]
The last two files are optional. The file REQUIRE
serves only for remote installation of package. It contains:
julia 0.6.3
DataFrames 0.11.6
The file README.md
contains a description in Markdown:
# my_module and its description
Finally, change directory to the root of the package, start a Julia session, and type:
julia> include("src/my_module.jl");include("docs/make.jl");
Documenter: setting up build directory.
Documenter: expanding markdown templates.
Documenter: building cross-references.
Documenter: running document checks.
> checking for missing docstrings.
> running doctests.
> checking footnote links.
Documenter: populating indices.
Documenter: rendering document.
If you change the result of add
in the doc-test from 3
to any other number, the Documenter
will show an error and show that it is working.