I have three models: Wager, Race, RaceCard and WagerType. I\'ve created a has_many association in Wagers and have added a custom association method (in_wager). The purpose
you can use self.proxy_association.owner
to get the parent object inside of an association method. From there you can get the values you want.
If I understand your models correctly then the code should look something like this.
class Wager < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :wager_type
belongs_to :race_card
has_many :races, :through => :race_card do
def in_wager
owner = self.proxy_association.owner
b = owner.race_nbr
a = b - owner.wager_type.legs + 1
where('races.race_nbr BETWEEN ? AND ?', a, b)
The I got this from the Rails api reference to Association Extensions (The reference to proxy_association
is at the bottom of the section).
Do you absolutely need to use an has_many
relation ? maybe you could just create a method in the Wager class
def races
b = self.race_nbr
a = b + self.race_card.legs
Races.find_by_race_card_id(self.id).where('race_nbr BETWEEN ? AND ?', a, b)
I don't really understand your model, so the request is certainly wrong, but you get the idea...