I\'m currently working together with Microsoft on a case where one of your UWP Apps is crashing after start. After a lot of debugging around msbuild I recognized that the cr
I've worked around this issue for the moment by replacing the built-in task with the App Center CLI and a simple powershell script to archive the same.
# Name of the App, e.g. 'org/app'
# Name of the distribution Group, e.g. 'Collaborators'
$binaryFile = (Get-ChildItem MyApp_*_x64.appxbundle -Recurse).FullName
appcenter distribute release -g $Group -f "$binaryFile" -a $App --debug --token $Token
To make this script work, you need the latest version of App Center CLI which can be found here.
On a build agent with NPM package manager present, you can simply run npm install -g appcenter-cli
to install the latest version. Afterwards the above script should execute.
I used @SebastianZolg's solution this way:
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Distribute via AppCenter'
targetType: 'filePath'
filePath: 'AppCenterDistributeThroughCli.ps1'
arguments: xxxMyTokenxxxxx MyAppCenterAppSlug "Collaborators"
workingDirectory: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\AppxPackages'
And AppCenterDistributeThroughCli.ps1
is @SebastianZolg's script.