I use python\'s zipfile module to extract a .zip archive (Let\'s take this file at http://img.dafont.com/dl/?f=akvaleir for example.)
f = zipfile.ZipFile(\'a
I ran into a similar issue while running my application using Docker. Adding this lines to the Dockerfile, fixed everything for me:
RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
So, I guess if you're not using Docker, give it a try and make sure locales are properly generated and set.
Instead of the extract
method, use the open method and save the resulting pseudofile to disk under whatever name you wish, for example with shutil.copyfileobj.
It took some time but I think I found the answer.
I assumed the word was supposed to be Akvaléir. I found a page description about that, in French. When I used your code snippet I had a string like
>>> fileinfo.filename
'Akval\x82ir, La police - The Font - Fr - En.pdf'
That didn't work at UTF8, Latin-1, CP-1251 or CP-1252 encodings. I then found that CP863 was a possible Canadian encoding, so perhaps this was from French Canada.
>>> print unicode(fileinfo.filename, "cp863").encode("utf8")
Akvaléir, La police - The Font - Fr - En.pdf
However, I then read the Zip file format specification which says
The ZIP format has historically supported only the original IBM PC character encoding set, commonly referred to as IBM Code Page 437.
If general purpose bit 11 is set, the filename and comment must support The Unicode Standard, Version 4.1.0 or greater using the character encoding form defined by the UTF-8 storage specification.
Testing that out gives me the same answer as the Canadian code page
>>> print unicode(fileinfo.filename, "cp437").encode("utf8")
Akvaléir, La police - The Font - Fr - En.pdf
I don't have a Unicode encoded zip file and I'm not going to create one to find out, so I'll just assume that all zip files have the cp437 encoding.
import shutil
import zipfile
f = zipfile.ZipFile('akvaleir.zip', 'r')
for fileinfo in f.infolist():
filename = unicode(fileinfo.filename, "cp437")
outputfile = open(filename, "wb")
shutil.copyfileobj(f.open(fileinfo.filename), outputfile)
On my Mac that gives
109936 Nov 27 01:46 Akvale??ir_Normal_v2007.ttf
25244 Nov 27 01:46 Akvale??ir, La police - The Font - Fr - En.pdf
which tab-completes to
ls Akvale\314\201ir
and shows up with a nice 'é' in my file browser.