I have a form field in my Rails view like this:
<%= f.text_field :date, :class => \"datepicker\" %>
A javascript function converts
What I ended up doing is to just create a normal text input and prepopulate it with an ISO formatted date and additional information to mark it as a date input (say, rel="date").
On the client side, I have JavaScript to create a new hidden input that takes on the name of the original field (thus overriding it, for good measure I also delete the name property of the original). The datepicker is attached to the original field, and uses altField/altFormat to sync the hidden field with an ISO date.
// used in jQuery's .each
function create_datepicker_for(_, el) {
var e = $(el),
// attach a hidden field that mirrors the proper date
mirror = $('<input type="hidden"></input>')
.prop('name', e.prop('name'))
if (e.val()) { date = new Date(e.val()); }
.prop('name', '') /* make sure this is not sent to the application */
altField: mirror, /* "mirror" is the hidden field */
altFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' /* you do not want anything but ISO */
if (date) { e.datepicker('setDate', date) }
This appears to keep everything in sync, sends the proper date format to the application, and degrades as well as anyone would expect it to.
JQuery datepicker won't format the pre-populated date.
You would need to handle it on the rails side by using the formatted date with the textfield, instead of the raw date which has the default 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.
Example -
<%= f.text_field :date, :class => "datepicker", :value => @model.date.strftime("%d %m %Y") %>
More examples @ Rails date format in a text_field
if your are using mysql database you can format the date in query itself.
Sample code
date_format(date_field,"%d %m %y")
SOLVED: I pass in the :value => show.date
as suggested by Jayendra above. The reason it wasn't working was because I didn't pass in the show
object from the parent view. I changed the render
line to include it - the parent view now looks like this:
<%= form_tag("/shows/update_individual", :method => "put") do %>
<% for show in @shows %>
<%= fields_for "shows[]", show do |f| %>
<%= render "fields", :f => f, :show => show %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag "Submit"%>
<% end %>