I am working on a project which needs to add/update around 1 million urls daily. Some days are mostly updates and some days are mostly add and some days are mix.
After reading all your questions ( unique constraint makes hashes useless? , 512 bit hash vs 4 128bit hash and url text compression (not shortening) and storing in mysql), I understood that your problem is more or less the following:
"I need to store +150M URLs in mySQL, using 8GB of RAM, and still have a good performance on writing them all and retrieving them, because daily I'll update them, so I'll retrive a lot of URLs, check them against the database. Actually it has 50M URLs, and will grow about 1M each day in the following 3 monts."
Is that it?
The following points are important: How is the format of the URL that you'll save? Will you need to read the URL back, or just update informations about it, but never search based in partial URLs, etc?
Assuming URL = "http://www.somesite.com.tv/images/picture01.jpg" and that you want to store everything, inclusing the filename. If it's different, please provide more details or correct my answer assumptions.
If can save space by replacing some group of characters in the URL. Not all ASCII characters are valid in an URL, as you can see here: RFC1738, so you can use those to represent (and compress) the URL. For example: using character 0x81 to represent "http://" can make you save 6 characters, 0x82 to represent ".jpg" can save you another 3 bytes, etc.
Some words might be very common (like "image", "picture", "video", "user"). If you choose to user characters 0x90 up to 0x9f + any other character (so, 0x90 0x01, 0x90 0x02, 0x90 0xfa) to encode such words, you can have 16 * 256 = 4,096 "dictionary entries" to encode the most used words. You'll use 2 bytes to represent 4 - 8 characters.
Edit: as you can read in the mentioned RFC, above, in the URL you can only have the printable ASCII characters. This means that only characters 0x20 to 0x7F should be used, with some observations made in the RFC. So, any character after 0x80 (hexadecimal notation, would be character 128 decimal in the ASCII table) shouldn't be used. So, if can choose one character (let's say the 0x90) to be one flag to indicate "the following byte is a indication in the dictionary, the index that I'll use". One character (0x90) * 256 characters (0x00 up to 0xFF) = 256 entries in the dictionary. But you can also choose to use characters 0x90 to 0x9f (or 144 to 159 in decimal) to indicate that they are a flag to the dictionary, thus giving you 16 *256 possibilities...
These 2 methods can save you a lot of space in your database and are reversible, without the need to worry about collisions, etc. You'll simple create a dictionary in your application and go encode/decode URLs using it, very fast, making your database much lighter.
Since you already have +50M URLs, you can generate statistics based on them, to generate a better dictionary.
Using hashes : Hashes, in this case, are a tradeoff between size and security. How bad will it be if you get a collision? And in this case you can use the birthday paradox to help you.
Read the article to understand the problem: if all inputs (possible characters in the URL) were equivalent, you could stimate the probability of a collision. And could calculate the opposite: given your acceptable collision probability, and your number of files, how broad should your range be? And since your range is exactlly related to the number of bits generated by the hash function...
Edit: if you have a hash function that gives you 128 bits, you'll have 2^128 possible outcomes. So, your "range" in the birthday paradox is 2^128: it's like your year have 2^128 days, instead of 365. So, you calculate the probabilities of collision ("two files being born in the same day, with a year that have 2^128 days instead of 365 days). If you choose to use a hash that gives you 512 bits, your range would go from 0 to 2^512...
And, again, have the RFC in mind: not all bytes (256 characters) are valid in the internet / URL world. So, the probabillity of collisions decrease. Better for you :).