I have a list of month (numeric) that I convert to names:
fd <- df %>%
select(product, sales, month) %>%
mutate(month = month.name[month]) %>
How about this approach:
df <- data.frame(month = sample(12), x = LETTERS[1:12])
# month x
#1 1 A
#2 9 B
#3 10 C
#4 3 D
#5 2 E
#6 12 F
#7 8 G
#8 4 H
#9 7 I
#10 5 J
#11 11 K
#12 6 L
df %>%
mutate(month = factor(month.name[month], levels = month.name)) %>%
# month x
#1 January A
#2 February E
#3 March D
#4 April H
#5 May J
#6 June L
#7 July I
#8 August G
#9 September B
#10 October C
#11 November K
#12 December F