I was initially very pleased to discover the attachment field in Access 2010. It\'s a feature that aesthetically irks my inner database purist but my inner lazy sod is in ch
I searched this for a similar problem. I have multiple attachments per field. I intend to use the field to store a .jpg and a .pdf for two image controls which I created by dragging the field from the properties to the form. I have named them ctlImage and ctlFeatures. I am using this form as a non modal popup from a more info button on the product catalog form. So far I am able to search records in the product catalog and use the selected listbox search result to open the form with a where clause to set the details form to the current record. When I try to manipulate the ctlImage looking for image type the only property which shows in intellisense is ctlImage.value. I was hoping to assign ctlImage to jpg and ctlFeatures to pdf Here is the frmProducts btnMoreInfo_Click code and the frmCatalogDetails code in case one is messing up the other.
Private Sub btnMoreInfo_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim str As String
Dim row As Long
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblProducts", dbOpenSnapshot)
If Me.lstSearchResults.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
' Debug.Print Me.lstSearchResults.Column(0)
row = Me.lstSearchResults.Column(0)
rs.FindFirst "ProductID=" & row
Debug.Print rs("Description")
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCatalogDetails", acNormal, , "ProductID=" & Me.lstSearchResults.Column(0, Me.lstSearchResults.ItemsSelected), acFormReadOnly, acWindowNormal
MsgBox "You must select a product"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
and Catalog details
Option Compare Database
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set db = CurrentDb
'Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblProducts", dbOpenSnapshot)
'Set fld = rs("image")
Debug.Print rs("ProductID")
Debug.Print rs("Description")
'me.ctlImage.ControlSource =
'Me.ctlImage.CurrentAttachment = fld.Value
End Sub
The rs statements are commented out because I am having trouble with this form recognizing the rs from the parent form. I am getting a with block variable not set, but if I do rs.openRecordSet then the recordset goes back to the first row. Aside from your answer above, I have seen very little about manipulating the attachment object and the help has been difficult as it doesn't even cover accessing inside the attachment field. I am at a point where I will do more asking than answering on this topic, and I very much appreciate the time many of you take to craft an answer. Rollin Motto: Ask for help when needed, give help when asked, and remember where you came from.
Let us say I have a table with an attachment:
Let us say that I have three images in one of those attachment fields that I wish to display. I can create a query:
After which I can create a continuous form: