Suppose we have 3 employees in each department.we have total 3 departments . Below is the sample source table
Emp deptno salary
A 10 1000
B 10
On MySQL this how you can get second highest salary, given table name is salaries:
By Nested Queries: (where you can change offset 0/1/2 for first, second and third place respectively)
salaries as t1
t1.salary = (select
salaries.deptno = t1.deptno ORDER by salary desc limit 1 offset 1);
or might be by creating rank: (where you can change rank= 1/2/3 for first, second and third place respectively)
SET @prev_value = NULL;
SET @rank_count = 0;
select * from
WHEN @prev_value = deptno THEN @rank_count := @rank_count + 1
WHEN @prev_value := deptno THEN @rank_count := 1
ELSE @rank_count := 1
END as rank
FROM salaries s
ORDER BY deptno, salary desc) as t
having t.rank = 2;
This will give you 2nd highest salary in each department:
SELECT a.Emp, a.deptno, a.salary
FROM Emp a
FROM Emp b
WHERE b.salary > a.salary AND a.deptno = b.deptno)
group by a.deptno
SQL Query:
select TOP 2 max(salary),Emp from EMployee where deptno='your_detpno'
select min(salary),deptno from
(SELECT distinct top 2 salary,deptno from table ORDER BY salary DESC)
as a
group by deptno
You can find 2nd highest salary something like this:
select max(a.Salary),a.Deptno from Employee a join (select MAX(salary) salary
from Employee group by Deptno) b on a.Salary < b.salary group by a.Deptno
And no MAX() is not an analytic function.
It is a pain, but you can do it. The following query gets the second highest salary:
select t.deptno, max(t.salary) as maxs
from table t
where t.salary < (select max(salary)
from table t2
where t2.deptno = t.deptno
group by t.deptno;
You can then use this to get the employee:
select t.*
from table t join
(select t.deptno, max(t.salary) as maxs
from table t
where t.salary < (select max(salary)
from table t2
where t2.deptno = t.deptno
group by t.deptno
) tt
on t.deptno = tt.deptno and t.salary = tt.maxs;