I want to automate deployments of Vmware VM\'s in an landscape with lots of portgroups. To be able to select the correct portgroup it would be best to enter 2 variables ten
Off the top of my head I can think of three different ways to merge the variables to use as a lookup key:
variable "tenant" {}
variable "environment" {}
variable "vm_network" {
default = {
T1_PROD = "T1-PROD-network"
T2_PROD = "T2-PROD-network"
T1_TEST = "T1-TEST-network"
T2_TEST = "T2-TEST-network"
locals {
tenant_environment = "${var.tenant}_${var.environment}"
output "local_network" {
value = "${lookup(var.vm_network, local.tenant_environment)}"
output "format_network" {
value = "${lookup(var.vm_network, format("%s_%s", var.tenant, var.environment))}"
output "lookup_network" {
value = "${lookup(var.vm_network, "${var.tenant}_${var.environment}")}"
The first option uses locals to create a variable that is interpolated already and can be easily reused in multiple places which can't be done directly with variables in Terraform/HCL. This is generally the best way to do variable combination/interpolation in later versions of Terraform (they were introduced in Terraform 0.10.3).
The second option uses the format function to create a string containing the tenant and environment variables.
The last one is a little funny looking but is valid HCL. I'd probably shy away from using that syntax if possible.