I\'m looking for a tool that can pretty-print (AKA tidy or beautify) source code in as many languages as possible. Those I\'m particularly keen on include:
I use Vim to do this all the time. It doesn't handle HTML very well, but it does the others. It's easy to use the Vim commands to automate running it on a number of files.
I use UltraEdit and find it's generally pretty good. It's not free, but it's also not that expensive.
Wikipedia has a good-sized list. I'm interested to see what consensus might emerge here, though.
Several handle multiple languages; e.g.
PrettyPrinter, (an Open Source beautifier for every programming language)
UniversalIndentGUI (A graphical user interface for any pretty printer with live preview for the formatting settings)
prettyprinter.de, (an online beautifier for PHP, Java, C++, C, Perl, JavaScript, CSS)
Emacs is a personal favorite of mine. There are add-ons that allow for almost every language you can thing of.
For Haskell, I have this in ~/bin/pp.hs
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
module Main (main) where
import Language.Haskell.Parser
import Language.Haskell.Pretty
import System.Environment
pp f = case parseModule f
of ParseOk m -> prettyPrint m
a -> show a
main = do args <- getArgs
mapM_ (>>= putStrLn . pp) $
if null args then [getContents] else map readFile args
In Vim, :set equalprg=~/bin/pp.hs
, select a region, hit =
, and boom, it gets prettified.
Okay, it's not very general. But I figure it has a small chance of helping somebody if I add it here.