I have a script that detects whether you\'re an iPhone user or not and redirects to a more iPhone friendly page.
The Query String is the way to go ( as the others have said above). Looking at Facebook, if you click on the 'full site' link on the mobile site, it redirects to www.facebook.com/login.php?m2w - the m2w is probably MobileToWeb and this will prevent the site redirecting the user to the mobile site.
When the user arrives, determine their browser type - mobile or full - and set a cookie with this value. Use this cookie value to decide what version of the site to display. AS you mention, offer a link to the "full" site to the mobile users, but if they click it, run a quick script to update the cookie to the "full" value and then redirect them to the full site. Their cookie is now set for the full site, so they won't get bounced back to the mobile site.
Now, if cookie are a problem, you could use something like PHP to set a session values to maintain the full/mobile status of the session, but that's probably getting beyond the scope of the original question.