The following code doesn\'t work. I want to set a variable if a condition is true.
Run Keyword If ${MAC} == 110299160221421 ${device_serial}= se
Run keyword if
returns the result of the keyword that you're running. So, like with any other keyword, you put a variable in the first column if you want to save the value:
${device_serial}= run keyword if ${MAC} == 110299160221421
... set variable ${device_serial_1}
I this specific case you might want to use Set Variable If instead of Run Keyword If
${device_serial}= set variable if ${MAC} == 110299160221421
... ${device_serial_1}
It worked with this code:
*** Test Cases ***
Run Keyword If ${MAC} == 110299160221421 myKeyword
*** Keywords ***
${device_serial}= set variable ${device_serial_1}