I have an anchor to a telephone number. On phones is great. On desktops with Skype or Google Voice it\'s good. The problem is on desktops that just don\'t know how to deal w
The way that I've found to get around this is to use two separate links, although I am using the Foundation 4 framework, so not sure if this is available in other responsive frameworks.
I give the link that I want to use the "tel" anchor the class .hide-for-large, and the link to the contact page a class of .hide-for-small. This effectively hides and dhows the respective link, dependent upon the detected viewport width.
I'm sure there will be a similar class in something like Bootstrap. Of course, if you aren;t
To detect if the browser is launching from a mobile in JavaScript: http://detectmobilebrowser.com/
Then you can detect a phone number in JavaScript using a regular expression, such as one of those: http://www.regxlib.com/DisplayPatterns.aspx?cattabindex=6&categoryId=7
And finally rewrite the link: aLink.href="..."
The web-browser is responsible for launching the associated application for a certain link and I guess skype is registering for the phone numbers in the desktop. You can't do anything from the web-page I'm afraid.