I am using Spring Data for MongoDB and I need to be able to configure collection at runtime.
My repository is defined as:
public interfac
Entity Class
@Document // remove the parameters from here
public class EscalationCase
Configuration class
public class MongoDBConfiguration {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoDBConfiguration.class);
@Value("${sfdc.mongodb.collection}") //taking collection name from properties file
private String collectionName;
public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate(MongoDbFactory mongoDbFactory, MongoMappingContext context) {
MappingMongoConverter converter = new MappingMongoConverter(new DefaultDbRefResolver(mongoDbFactory), context);
converter.setTypeMapper(new DefaultMongoTypeMapper(null));
MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = new MongoTemplate(mongoDbFactory, converter);
if (!mongoTemplate.collectionExists(collectionName)) {
mongoTemplate.createCollection(collectionName); // adding the collection name here
return mongoTemplate;
define your entity class like
@Document(collection = "${EventDataRepository.getCollectionName()}")
public class EventData implements Serializable {
Define a custom repository interface with getter and setter methods for "collectionName"
public interface EventDataRepositoryCustom {
String getCollectionName();
void setCollectionName(String collectionName);
provide implementation class for custom repository with "collectionName" implementation
public class EventDataRepositoryImpl implements EventDataRepositoryCustom{
private static String collectionName = "myCollection";
public String getCollectionName() {
return collectionName;
public void setCollectionName(String collectionName) {
this.collectionName = collectionName;
Add EventDataRepositoryImpl
to the extends list of your repository interface in this it would look like
public interface EventDataRepository extends MongoRepository<EventData, String>, EventDataRepositoryImpl {
Now in your Service class where you are using the MongoRepository
set the collection name, it would look like
EventDataRepository repository ;
So, at the end, here is a work around that did the trick. I guess I really don't know how to access data from Spring Properties Configurer using the SPeL expressions.
In my @Configuration class:
private String
public String mongoEventCollectionName() {
On my Document:
@Document(collection = "#{mongoEventCollectionName}")
This, appears to work and properly pick up the name configured in my .properties file, however, I am still not sure why I could not just access the value with $ as I do in the @Value annotation.
You can solve this problem by just using SPeL:
@Document(collection = "#{environment.getProperty('mongo.event.collection')}")
public class EventData implements Serializable {
Update Spring 5.x:
Since Spring 5.x or so you need an additional @ before environment:
@Document(collection = "#{@environment.getProperty('mongo.event.collection')}")
public class EventData implements Serializable {