I have my checkbox input that sets the \"true\" value dynamically based on a variable trueVal
, which is a string.
The short version, ng-true-val
expects a constant and is being passed the following expression as a parameter: 'Customer didn't understand'
for evaluation, which is malformed because of un-terminated single quote.
The simple (but somewhat ugly) approach would be to replace '
with \'
in the View (this doesn't change the actual value - just encodes it):
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="foo"
ng-true-value="'{{trueVal.replace('\'', '\\\'')}}'"
The better approach is probably using ng-change
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="t"
ng-change="foo = t ? trueVal : null">
Longer version
Under the covers ng-true-value
calls $parse
service: var parseFn = $parse(expression)
, and expects parseFn.constant === true
. The latter is only true if the expression is a constant:
expression = 'string'; // string literal
expression = '5' // number literal
expression = {v: 'string'} // object literal with a constant
expression = 'foo' + 'bar'; // expression that evaluates to a constant
In your case you need to take the variable trueVal
, interpolate it to a value {{trueVal}}
, to become part of an expression '{{trueVal}}'
that ultimately will be evaluated as explained above.
This is why substitution of '
works to \'
, because it escapes the singles quotes as if you have written the expression directly:
ng-true-value="'Customer didn\'t understand'"
If you are certain that you won't have double quotes ("
) in your values for options
, you could also simply reverse the order of quotes without the need to do replace
This will, of course, fail for the same reason if trueVal
value had double quotes: something with "quotes"
Try this.
In Markup
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="dummyModel" ng-model-options="{getterSetter: true}">
In Controller
var trueValue = "my true' value";
var falseValue = false;
var _model;
$scope.dummyModel = function (val) {
if (angular.isDefined(val)) {
_model = val ? trueValue : falseValue
return _model === trueValue;
Use _model
to submit to the database.