From Angular\'s documentation it follows that ngSubmit is a preferred way of submitting a form. All pending operations are immediately finished and $submitted
Just use event .triggerHandler('submit') on form element.
myApp.directive("extSubmit", ['$timeout',function($timeout){
return {
link: function($scope, $el, $attr) {
$scope.$on('makeSubmit', function(event, data){
if(data.formName === $ {
$timeout(function() {
$el.triggerHandler('submit'); //<<< This is Important
//equivalent with native event
//$el[0].dispatchEvent(new Event('submit'))
}, 0, false);
Look at
You can modify your directive code a bit like:
function wuSubmit() {
return {
require: 'form',
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attributes) {
var scope = element.scope();
if ( && scope[]) {
scope[].$submit = function() {
// Parse the handler of submit & execute that.
var fn = $parse(attr.ngSubmit);
$scope.$apply(function() {
fn($scope, {$event: e});
Here you don't have to add wu-submit
everywhere. ng-submit
will work.
Hope this helps!
app.directive("form", function(){
return {
require: 'form',
restrict: 'E',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs, form) {
form.doSubmit = function() {
return scope.$eval(attrs.ngSubmit);
<form name="myForm" ng-submit="$ctrl.submit()" novalidate>
Then call in controller