In my game, a user can cause damage to another user, and take some of their gold. The gold variable is stored in the other users PFUser object. How can one user change the v
You can not save or delete non-authenticated PFUsers. The way to implement that functionality is to set up a separate class for public read/write user variables
From the parse documentation -
Security For User Objects
The PFUser class is secured by default. Data stored in a PFUser can only be modified by that user. By default, the data can still be read by any client. Thus, some PFUser objects are authenticated and can be modified, whereas others are read-only.
Specifically, you are not able to invoke any of the save or delete methods unless the PFUser was obtained using an authenticated method, like logIn or signUp. This ensures that only the user can alter their own data.
The best solution would be to handle it with a cloud code. Manipulating a non authenticated PFUser object from client side will raise some security issues. Have a cloud function like:
Parse.Cloud.define("stealGold", function(request, response) {
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
query.equalTo("objectId", request.params.targetObjectId);
query.find({useMasterKey : true}).then(function(results) {
// process the result of the query here
// Save the user object
You may read about it in docs here:
You could use getUserObjectWithId, from PFQuery.