Headless Linux 64-bit. Jenkins is trying to create android emulator but fails with these settings:
[android] Using Android SDK: /opt/android-sdk-linux
I had faced the similar problem in Mac book pro 13", macOS Sierra; version 10.12.3. I deleted the system environment variables for location to android sdk & gradle previously which I added. When I built it with system environment variables
; Jenkins downloaded the sdk & it run without failure.
You can also refer to the book Expert Android Studio by Murat Yener, Onur Dundar
chapter 10 : Continuous integration; where they showed how to build on Jenkins.
I found temporary workaround for that:
Create that same device locally (I did it on my personal laptop, a MAC) with Android AVD manager.
Then copy this newly created device to Linux server /var/lib/jenkins/.android/avd/
folder (.ini
and .avd
And it worked, also Google Maps is supported.