I\'m writing a form validation script and would like to validate a given field when its onblur event fires. I would also like to use event bubbling so i don\'t have to attac
use 'Focusout' event as it has Bubble up effect..thanks.
aa, you can simply add the onblur event on the form, and will call the validation every time you change focus on any of the elements inside it
ppk has a technique for this, including the necessary workarounds for IE: http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2008/04/delegating_the.html
To use bubbling with onblur
event, Then you can use addEventListener() and set the useCapture parameter to false. Like this:
yourFormInput.addEventListener('blur', yourFunction, false);
Firefox 51 and below do not support the onfocusout
event. So don't use onfocusout
instead of onblur
You're going to need to use event capturing (as opposed to bubbling) for standards-compliant browsers and focusout
for IE:
if (myForm.addEventListener) {
// Standards browsers can use event Capturing. NOTE: capturing
// is triggered by virtue of setting the last parameter to true
myForm.addEventListener('blur', validationFunction, true);
else {
// IE can use its proprietary focusout event, which
// bubbles in the way you wish blur to:
myForm.onfocusout = validationFunction;
// And of course detect the element that blurred in your handler:
function validationFunction(e) {
var target = e ? e.target : window.event.srcElement;
// ...
See http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2008/04/delegating_the.html for the juicy details