I\'m trying to figure out how to do a left-associative expression where recursive (not-enclosed in anything) expressions are possible. For example, I\'d like to do:
Pyparsing produces left parse trees. Add a semantic action to edit the parse tree right after expr
has been parsed.
Here is an example parse action that will take the flat lists of tokens and nest them as if parsed left-recursively:
from pyparsing import *
# parse action -maker
def makeLRlike(numterms):
if numterms is None:
# None operator can only by binary op
initlen = 2
incr = 1
initlen = {0:1,1:2,2:3,3:5}[numterms]
incr = {0:1,1:1,2:2,3:4}[numterms]
# define parse action for this number of terms,
# to convert flat list of tokens into nested list
def pa(s,l,t):
t = t[0]
if len(t) > initlen:
ret = ParseResults(t[:initlen])
i = initlen
while i < len(t):
ret = ParseResults([ret] + t[i:i+incr])
i += incr
return ParseResults([ret])
return pa
# setup a simple grammar for 4-function arithmetic
varname = oneOf(list(alphas))
integer = Word(nums)
operand = integer | varname
# ordinary opPrec definition
arith1 = operatorPrecedence(operand,
(None, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
(oneOf("* /"), 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
(oneOf("+ -"), 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
# opPrec definition with parseAction makeLRlike
arith2 = operatorPrecedence(operand,
(None, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, makeLRlike(None)),
(oneOf("* /"), 2, opAssoc.LEFT, makeLRlike(2)),
(oneOf("+ -"), 2, opAssoc.LEFT, makeLRlike(2)),
# parse a few test strings, using both parsers
for arith in (arith1, arith2):
print arith.parseString("A+B+C+D+E")[0]
print arith.parseString("A+B+C*D+E")[0]
print arith.parseString("12AX+34BY+C*5DZ+E")[0]
['A', '+', 'B', '+', 'C', '+', 'D', '+', 'E']
['A', '+', 'B', '+', ['C', '*', 'D'], '+', 'E']
[['12', 'A', 'X'], '+', ['34', 'B', 'Y'], '+', ['C', '*', ['5', 'D', 'Z']], '+', 'E']
[[[['A', '+', 'B'], '+', 'C'], '+', 'D'], '+', 'E']
[[['A', '+', 'B'], '+', ['C', '*', 'D']], '+', 'E']
[[[[['12', 'A'], 'X'], '+', [['34', 'B'], 'Y']], '+', ['C', '*', [['5', 'D'], 'Z']]], '+', 'E']