Fuse ESB uses karaf server with OSGi.
for the code if anybody has steps to get the debugger for the application it will help.
I am currently using Eclipse In
You just need to put the following line in the Fuse ESB startup script (e.g. fuseesb.bat or karaf.bat):
set KARAF_DEBUG=true
After that Fuse ESB will start in debug mode using 5005 port.
1) just run $fuse debug (jboss fuse 6.1.0 version) debug port is 5005, 2) in eclipse or jboss dev studio do following i) run ii) debug configuration iii) remote java application -> create new iv) host: localhost, port : 5005 v) click on debug 3) put breakpoints in java classes
Java allows you to remote debug any JVM running.
So if you start the ESB with a debug argument, then it will run in debug mode listening on port 5005.
davsclaus:/opt/fuse-esb-7.0.1.fuse-084$ bin/fuseesb debug
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
Then you can do remote debugging from Eclipse using that port number. This is standard Java remote debugging, and Eclipse has a wizard for that already. Its the debug wizard which has a remote debug functionality.