You must give the planet initial velocity v = (vx, vy, vz) tangent to the desired orbit. If the position of the sun is s and planet is p, then there is always a force acting between the two: the one on the planet points toward the sun, vector t=(s - p) and vice versa. The magnitude of this force is g Ms Mp / (t dot t), where "dot" is the dot product, g is the standard acceleration due to gravity, and Ms, Mp are the respective masses.
If you are doing a detailed model where all bodies can exert pull on all other bodies, then the algorithm is to accumulate all the pairwise forces to get a single resultant force vector acting on each body (planet or sun). Otherwise you might settle for an approximation where only the sun pulls on planets and other forces are deemed too small to matter.
So the algorithm is:
Choose dt, the time step, a small interval.
Set initial positions and velocities
(for planets, velocity is tangent to desired orbit. Sun has velocity zero.)
Accumulate all forces on all bodies with current positions.
For each body position=p, velocity=v, net resultant force=f, mass=m,
update its velocity: v_new = v + f / m dt
update position p_new = p + 0.5 * (v + v_new)
v = v_new; p = p_new
end loop
As has been mentioned, Euler is simple but requires a very small time step to get even reasonable accuracy. Sometimes you can introduce just a tiny bit of drag in the system (multiply velocity by a factor just a tad below 1) to keep things stable where otherwise they blow up.