Showing the latest changes of each subdirectory in git

后端 未结 3 525
不知归路 2021-01-05 19:06

In github if you open a repository you will see a page showing the latest commit and time of each subdirectory and file.

Can I do this by command line in git?

  • 2021-01-05 19:20

    Thanks answers from Klas Mellbourn and Nevik Rehnel, finally I combined these two versions into mine:

    FILES=`ls -A`
    for f in $FILES; do
        if [ ${#f} -gt $MAXLEN ]; then
    for f in $FILES; do
        str=$(git log -1 --format="%cr      [%cn]   %s" $f)
        printf "%-${MAXLEN}s -- %s\n" "$f" "$str"


    $ bash view.bash
    android_webview   -- 4 months ago       []    Disable testCalledForIframeUnsupportedSchemeNavigations
    ash               -- 4 months ago       []   Rename _hot_ -> _hover_
    cc                -- 4 months ago       []     cc: Let impl-side painting use smaller tiles
    chrome            -- 5 weeks ago        [Deqing]     Set the nacl pipe to non-blocking
    tools             -- 10 weeks ago       [Haxx Hx]    Add submodule tools/gyp
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-05 19:23

    You can't do it in a single Git command for all the entries in the CWD, but with a simple bash script, you can:


    FILES=`ls -A`
    for f in $FILES; do
        if [ ${#f} -gt $MAXLEN ]; then
    for f in $FILES; do
        printf "%-${MAXLEN}s -- %s\n" "$f" "$(git log --oneline -1 -- $f)"

    in a file and run it as a script, or use it as an online command by running
    FILES=$(ls -A); MAXLEN=0; for f in $FILES; do if [ ${#f} -gt $MAXLEN ]; then MAXLEN=${#f}; fi; done; for f in $FILES; do printf "%-${MAXLEN}s -- %s\n" "$f" "$(git log --oneline -1 -- $f)"; done on a bash prompt directly.

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  • 2021-01-05 19:35

    In PowerShell you could create a script like this

    git ls-tree --name-only HEAD | ForEach-Object { 
       Write-Host $_ "`t" (git log -1 --format="%cr`t%s" $_)

    This loops through all files in the current directory, writes out the file name, a tab (the backquoted "t"), and then the output of git log with the relative date, a tab, and the commit message.

    Sample output:

    subfolder        18 hours ago   folder for miscellaneous stuff included
    foo.txt          3 days ago     foo is important
    .gitignore       3 months ago   gitignore added

    The GitHub result actually contains the committer too, you can get that also by adding [%cn]:

    Write-Host $_ "`t" (git log -1 --format="%cr`t%s`t[%cn]" $_)

    The script above does not handle long filenames well, since it depends on tabs. Here is a script that creates a nicely formatted table, where each column is exactly as wide as it needs to be:

    git ls-tree --name-only HEAD | ForEach-Object { 
      Write-Output ($_ + "|" + (git log -1 --format="%cr|%s" $_)) 
    } | ForEach-Object {
      New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        Name = $_.Split('|')[0]
        Time = $_.Split('|')[1]
        Message = $_.Split('|')[2]
    } | Format-Table -Auto -Property Name, Time, Message
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