I followed the tutorial below.
which basically added a GAE backend to my existing app.
This comes down to the app engine default version being different from the one you've deployed. Go here: https://appengine.google.com/deployment?app_id=s~your-project-id and change your default version
Another possible cause for this problem is not setting the correct applicationId in appengine-web.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<appengine-web-app xmlns="http://appengine.google.com/ns/1.0">
Another possible reason for 404 if you call the method with a null parameter and the method does not accept null parameters.
I had a similar issue with a method with 4 String parameters and I sent null for one of them and all I got was a stupid 404.
Another possible reason for 404 on the development(local) server is that you have a parameter with some strange characters (like a url for example) that the development(local) server does not handle correctly event if it works fine on the app engine live servers. Possible solution: instead of multiple params use a simple java object.
this happen because your deploy back-end is not fully deployed. just re-deploy your back-end and make sure you got the message deploy succeed. you can check the detail deploy process on the top page header. also, you can test by visiting the url to check:
I had the same problem and this is how I fixed it.
A little background
I had two versions of the API deployed to App Engine which I believe it should be OK. The admin console didn't show any problem and I was getting the 200 OK code after deploying version 2 of the API in log file.
/_ah/spi/BackendService.getApiConfigs 200 118ms 8kb
but no matter what I tried I was always getting the 404 Not Found error.
I am not sure what the problem was but I think Web Server at App Engine was redirecting all the requests to the version 1. It could be because both versions had the following settings in their web.xml.
I removed version 1 and redeployed version 2. Then everything just worked fine.
Try to update your plugin and dependency libraries to the latest version. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/37639701/857346.