I can\'t find an example of how to do this in mono.
Any help?
Edit: Added code
foreach (equip item in list)
tr = new TableRow(
In Mono for Android a lot of listener interfaces have been translated to C# events, including this one. In this case you can hook into the ItemSelected event instead of having to create a listener. Xamarin has a full example of using a spinner available here.
Based on your request to differentiate when the spinner value has actually changed, you can do something like:
int initialSpinnerPosition = spinner.SelectedItemPosition;
spinner.ItemSelected += (sender, args) =>
if (args.Position != initialSpinnerPosition)
// do stuff
you can use the tag like
bool userClick = false;
spinner.ItemSelected += (sender, e) => {
if(userClick) {
--- do stuff
userClick = true;
When you create/update the spinners adapter based on a SQL Data
userClick = false;