I want to be able to setText and getText of Views of individual Fragments. As it is now, when I setText of a Framgent\'s TextView it changes the text of that View in all Fra
Fragments are added to stack with a parameter named tag. In your case you've added your fragment with "testtag".
fragmentTransaction.add(R.id.test_fragment, fragment, "testtag");
If you create multiple instances of same fragment and add them with unique tags, then you are able to get them with that unique tags. When you get a fragment then you can reach its content.
FragmentManager fm = this.getSupportFragmentManager();
Fragment testtagFragment = fm.findFragmentByTag("testtag");
View targetView = testtagFragment.getView().findViewById(R.id.anyViewInsideContentOfYourFragment);
I want to be able to setText and getText of Views of individual Fragments.
This question has 2 parts.
method for this. See sample
method is executed. So If you try to call getView method of a fragment at your activities onCreate method (after you add the fragment), that will return null. You can get its content successfully under a click event to test that, and use get or set operations of any view on that fragment's content.