I have a problem with inserting entities, that use sequences, to a MSSQL 2014 database. I use hibernate that is shipped with Wildfly 10 CR4 (but in CR1 and CR2 I got the sam
Actually this problem comes due to non proper mapping of tables. Check tables and Entity class mappings.
For Springboot 1.4.7 and lower add below to properties file
spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect =org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2012Dialect
Meanwhile the team does not solve this problem, you can create a custom dialect resolver:
public class ScopeStandardDialectResolver implements DialectResolver {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Dialect resolveDialect(DialectResolutionInfo info) {
Dialect customDialectResolver = customDialectResolver(info);
Log.getInstance().logInfo(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(), customDialectResolver.getClass().getName());
return customDialectResolver;
private Dialect customDialectResolver(DialectResolutionInfo info) {
final String databaseName = info.getDatabaseName();
final int majorVersion = info.getDatabaseMajorVersion();
if (isSqlServer2014(databaseName, majorVersion)) {
return new SQLServer2012Dialect();
} else {
return StandardDialectResolver.INSTANCE.resolveDialect(info);
private boolean isSqlServer2014(final String databaseName, final int majorVersion) {
return databaseName.startsWith("Microsoft SQL Server") && majorVersion == 12;
Then you configure in your persistence unit:
<property name="hibernate.dialect_resolvers" value="com.oki.scope.hibernate.ScopeStandardDialectResolver" />
Based in this example: http://blog.exxeta.com/2016/03/23/dynamically-resolve-hibernate-database-dialect/
I think that your problem could be related to this known issue HHH-9570. (The link actually contains my pull request to my proposed workaround)
Basically, as it happened before with SQL Server 2012, the StandardDialectResolver of Hibernate does not recognise SQL Server 2014 ([Major version 12]) and then the default dialect SQLServerDialect is returned, which is the one for SQL Server 2000