I got a problem with my dynamic route. It look like this
I am trying to get query value from [lang]
but when I using
It is not possible to get a query value at the first render.
Statically optimized pages are hydrated without provided route parameters. E.g. query
is an empty object ({}
After hydration, Next.js will fill the query object.
Also, at first render of a dynamic route router.asPath
and router.route
are equal. Once query
object is available, router.asPath
reflects it.
You can rely on the query value within a useEffect
hook after asPath
has been changed.
const router = useRouter();
useEffect(() => {
if (router.asPath !== router.route) {
// router.query.lang is defined
}, [router])
GitHub Issue - Add a "ready" to Router returned by "useRouter"
This is a good work, I found around from this comment
Add useQuery.ts
helper file
// useQuery.js
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
// Resolves query or returns null
export default function useQuery() {
const router = useRouter();
const hasQueryParams =
/\[.+\]/.test(router.route) || /\?./.test(router.asPath);
const ready = !hasQueryParams || Object.keys(router.query).length > 0;
if (!ready) return null;
return router.query;
// In your components (instead of useRouter)
const query = useQuery();
useEffect(() => {
if (!query) {
console.log('my query exists!!', query);
}, [query]);
In NextJS 9, one way to ensure route parameters are immediately available for page components is to get them from the context
arg passed to getServerSideProps()
and pass to the component as props.
For a page like [id].js
export function getServerSideProps(context) {
return {
props: {params: context.params}
export default ({params}) => {
const {id} = params;
return <div>You opened page with {id}</div>;
I resolved my problem that I need it in Hoc component. I wrapped using withRouter(withLocale(Comp)) and create conditional in HOC
export default function withLocale(WrappedPage) {
const WithLocale = ({ router, ...props }) => {
const { lang } = router.query;
if (!lang || !isLocale(lang)) {
return <Error statusCode={404} />;
return (
<LocaleProvider lang={lang}>
<WrappedPage {...props} />
return WithLocale;