Spring documentation tells that, if we compile our project using Java 8 --parameters flag, we can skip giving parameter names in annotations like @PathVariable. Tha
In Spring Boot 2.0, the --parameters
flag should be enabled by default. See yuranos87's answer.
For older versions, in the pom.xml file, you can specify Java compiler options as arguments of the Maven compiler plugin:
I don't remember needing to do it explicitly in any of my projects. Maybe you just need to add spring-boot-starter-parent(I know, sometimes might not be an option). Otherwise, Spring has already taken care of everything for you.
It is mentioned multiple times in Spring Boot documentation. For example, here:
To allow the input to be mapped to the operation method’s parameters, code implementing an endpoint should be compiled with -parameters. This will happen automatically if you are using Spring Boot’s Gradle plugin or if you are using Maven and spring-boot-starter-parent.
The way Spring Boot does it is quite straight forward(in spring-boot-parent and spring-boot-starter-parent poms):